**This group is open to BIPOC ONLY**
A healing circle for BIPoC to commune with heart-supporting plantcestors and to explore how grief shows up for us as individuals and communities so that we may more deeply understand our grief, hold space for the fullness of it, and expand around it in sweet, loving, and tender ways. In this expansion we (are) heal(ing) – individually, collectively, ancestrally – and (re)claiming our joy.
· Exchange ·
$20-$45; pay what you can/sliding scale
· To Register ·
1) Pick what you can offer on the sliding scale ($20-$45) and Venmo that amount to @aguasangrehealing (link above)
*** AND ***
2) In the notes, please put your NAME and your EMAIL (and name of anyone else you may be registering for) and that you're registering for EMBODYING GRIEF 2/6
More info, including location/accessibility info on facebook event